Bosslady creations

Fashion is a career choice where you will be poor in cash and rich with experiences.Yes that's right a lot of people do think it's easy to become a fashion designer and immediately your designs are sold be you make a lot of money. In reality it's furthest from truth. Most of the fashion folks are bitchy, very spiteful at workplace. And I kind of think the industry itself promotes that type of behavior. It's a highly competitive market as well.That being said your soul is satisfied. Creative career choices are extremely satisfactory. You will experience different things in life and enjoy and be able to understand a lot of art and find a unique appreciation for it. I have worked in another Industry (Hardware engineering) where the jobs are pretty cool. But my soul was like dying. Hence I decided to study fashion because that's something I've always wanted to do. If you are extremely good for example you can like work 24 hours a day just because you are passionate about it, you should.



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